Insurance Tips for New Dental Graduates

Here you will find insurance coverage tips for new dental graduates.

Welcome to the Washington state dental community. All of us at WDIA congratulate you on earning your DDS or DMD.

As you begin your professional journey, one of the first things you will need is insurance. In fact, some policies are mandated by law.

As a subsidiary of WSDA, WDIA has been working exclusively with dentists in Washington since 1990.

Our insurance brokers are not commissioned. Rather, we have a fiduciary responsibility to work only for your benefit. And, we’re good at it. Please let us help you find insurance coverage that fits where you are in your dental career.

middle eastern dentist new graduate

You Need Malpractice Insurance

Malpractice insurance, also called professional liability insurance, is required by law in Washington for all dentists. But not all malpractice policies are the same.

At WDIA we vet and recommend policies that meet the following criteria:
  • Quality and affordability.
  • Provide sound legal representation.
  • Protect you and your family.
Malpractice lawsuits are the most common lawsuits filed against dentists. Odds are, it will happen to you. If it does, you absolutely want to be covered by an insurance company that has your back. Our policy providers have seasoned attorneys who understand the nuances of clinical care.

Get Professional Disability Insurance

Professional disability insurance is recommended for dentists. Providing dental care is physically demanding. If you were injured or ill for an extended period, disability insurance helps cover your expenses.

A personal disability insurance policy, pays up to 60% of your gross taxable income for 12-months, and the benefit is tax-free. That’s a big deal when you are just starting out and paying back college loans, covering rent or a mortgage, car payments, or all of the above.

Recent dental school graduates can purchase disability insurance through WDIA without proof of income. One of our expert brokers can walk you through policy selection and purchase.

Life Insurance

Life insurance isn’t just for old people. In fact, the younger you are, the less term-life insurance costs.
While this may seem like an unpleasant prospect, having a life insurance plan in place is smart. Term-life insurance is an inexpensive way to help your family pay off the kind of debt that accrues at the beginning of a dental career. Term-life insurance policies often cover business loans, mortgages, and car loans. Life insurance coverage helps ensure you do not leave a debt burden behind if you pass away.
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