Dentist’s Disability Insurance

Dentists need disability insurance because dentistry is a physically demanding profession. Yet, most dentists do not carry adequate disability insurance.
Please take a moment to consider what could happen if you were injured or became ill for an extended period. Now, please imagine how much less stress you would have, if you knew you were covered, and could focus on getting better.
WDIA offers highly competitive rates and a range of policies for disability coverage designed just for dentists like you.
Dentist holding their shoulder

Why Dentists Need Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a good idea if you’re a dentist. When it comes to disability coverage, there are some subjective aspects to consider. For instance, associates likely need a different level of coverage from practice owners. And dental specialists have different needs to consider.

WDIA agents can help you determine how much disability coverage you need. Together, we can identify which policy fits your personal and professional needs.

Some advantages of disability insurance for dentists include:

  • Business: Reimburses you for salaries and payroll, business overhead, rent and lease costs for an assigned period. The typical term is 12-months.
  • Personal: Protects your livelihood. If you become disabled and cannot perform clinical dentistry, the personal disability policy pays up to 60% of your gross taxable income, and the benefit can be tax free. If you become employed in another profession you can still receive your full benefit from the policy. 
  • Loan: If you have a practice loan, you can place a rider on your disability policy.  This is one of the most cost-effective ways of meeting monthly bank payments for the duration of the loan, even if you become disabled.

Long-Term Care Insurance for Dentists in Washington

Long-term care (LTC) insurance makes sense for many Washington dentists. About 7 out of 10 of us will need long-term care during our lifetime.

LTC insurance helps cover the cost of care for your spouse and for you should you need assistance with daily living. It gives you the flexibility to choose when and where you receive care. LTC also provides emotional and financial support for your family.
As always, we are here to advise you and advocate for you. If you have any questions about insurance policies for dentists, please get in touch with Kerri or Emily.
Dentist with patient